
时间:2024-01-19 14:20:25



英语话题作文 篇1

Dear editor,

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls’ favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it’s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are eq ……此处隐藏1735个字……ts' exclusive love)。

有话题就会有相关词汇,这就要求大家在平常的学习中多多积累,这样到用的时候心中自然就有丘壑。如本篇总结词汇如下:"00后"(children born after 20xx);反兄弟姐妹联盟"anti-siblings alliance";分走自己独享的父母宠爱(steal their parents' exclusive love)。同时也可以扩充相关词汇,如:生育登记服务制度?birth registration service system;流动人口 mobile population;独生子女家庭 only child family;生育时间表 birth time schedule;备孕 plan for pregnancy;母婴用品 baby, kids & maternity products;研究生妈妈 post-graduate mother。

二胎政策实施的过程中,也给社会带来了一定的影响。这一部分探讨也可以作为作文的写作素材。如全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)出台后,中国内地主要城市三居室或四居室的大户型房子(large three or four-bedroom homes)销量攀升。北京和上海等城市的很多夫妇正在搜寻居住环境更佳的大房子(hunt for larger homes with a better environment),为家里添丁加口早做准备。据估计,新的生育政策将使未来5年内多增加1700万新生儿(extra 17m babies being born within the next five years)。

